There has been no other time in the history of the world where global debt has risen faster than it is rising today. Moreover, the big secret is this: no matter how much debt governments pump into the system, via the REAL world government system which is central banks, the amount of debt pulled into the system is never enough.
As absolutely insane as it is, the entire world’s financial system (simply just to function), demands perpetual, ever-expanding debt to infinity.

But it gets even worse!
Despite every conceivable effort by governments to continue to borrow cash into existence, the system itself operates in a perpetual deficit. In other words, no matter how much cash is pulled into the system, the system functions in a continual vacuum.
If you were to ask 95% of people what kind of financial system we have, 95% of people would have no answer. But the answer is this, WE HAVE A DEBT-BASED SYSTEM! And a debt-based system DEMANDS that the debt expands in perpetuity.
If you were to ask 95% of people, what is the product of a central bank? 95% of people would again have no answer. The SINGLE and ONLY product of ANY central bank is debt! And the more debt a central bank issues, or is called upon to issue, THE STRONGER THEY BECOME.
The current world financial system, which is run by central banks, demands ever-increasing debt just to function day to day. This fact is a guarantee that central banks whose sole existence depends on their ability to create debt and therefore inflate it, will remain at their pinnacle of power. Moreover, their power will grow.
Each world leader of every developed nation on Earth must find reasons to borrow more cash into existence than his, or her, predecessor. Without this mechanism, the entire system collapses.
Have you ever wondered why debts and deficits are soaring, spending cuts are rare, and there always seems to be unlimited funding for wars?
The propagation of war generates more need for cash to be pulled into the system than any other endeavor on Earth. (ALL WARS ARE BANKER WARS).
The simple fact is this: The world today is governed by those who run the financial system, the financial markets, and the global economy - central banks. It is these same entities who will see to it that the system ALWAYS functions via a crisis-to-crisis mechanism, with each engineered “crisis” demanding ever-increasing cash to be thrown at it (perpetual expanding debt).
Perpetual expanding debt has a couple of “side effects” which are beneficial to central banks.
The first is currency devaluation.
When a central bank issues more currency, it devalues existing money. For instance, the US dollar has lost 98% of its value since the Federal Reserve was established in 1913. This devaluation forces central banks to create more currency to compensate, leading to a cycle that benefits them.
The second side effect of perpetual expanding debt is INFLATION.
Central bank notes reduce currency purchasing power, leading to inflation. Expanding the currency pool by increasing available currency exacerbates this effect, as more bills chase the same goods. The primary power of central banks lies in their ability to inflate.
What you can be assured of is this: the world as we know it will continue to exist only if more debt is created, exponentially… However, once this mechanism reaches a “maximum saturation point,” everything stops.
I do hope it's not in my or your lifetime.